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Learn about the very real benefits that walking can bring. According to Harvard Medical School, “Walking doesn’t get the respect it deserves, either for its health benefits, its value for transportation, or its role in recreation.” Harvard explains the primary difference between walking and running—and it’s not simply pace. At any speed, walkers have one foot on the ground at all times—runners spend time in each stride being airborne, which makes it a more high-impact activity (meaning it’s more stressful on joints and can bring a higher risk for injury). If you’re not convinced that walking can be a good workout, you can always kick things up a notch by walking with weights, taking your walk to the stairs or walking in the pool. Health benefits The Mayo Clinic says that regular brisk walking can help you:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Prevent or manage conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes
  • Strengthen your bones
  • Lift your mood
  • Improve balance and coordination
Locations: Auburn YMCA-WEIU
Category: Community Outreach